

Using the example of the form-based registration for short-time work, this video shows how the cooperation between the applicant and the office can be realized completely without media discontinuity and, above all, quickly.

The applicant fills out his application directly online and sends it to the responsible authority at the push of a button. The clerk immediately receives the message in his usual environment. The classic media break by downloading and locally filling out an interactive PDF/Word or Excel is no longer necessary.

In addition, the status and any adjustments can be traced at any time. The applicant can use a personal link that is sent automatically. To do this, he must authenticate himself once with SecureCode and set his own password.

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Note: All content in this video was created using publicly available information.
Certain features are demonstrated in the following places:

Click on the link to open the corresponding position in a new window.

00:00 Current situation with media disruption

01:30 Media break-free solution

06:25 Insight into setting up the business case

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