
Launch of the Legal Collection of the Medical Faculty of the University of Bern

Today we were able to successfully launch the new legal collection of the Medical Faculty of the University of Bern. The project only took ten weeks to implement and was completed on time.

The system is publicly available and can directly be accessed at https://rechtssammlung.medizin.unibe.ch.

The basis for this legal collection is our developed decree management system, which enables anyone to independently build up a complete, cataloged legal collection. Each decree in this legal collection has an automated version management function. Thanks to automatic logging, the user can not only display the desired version, but can also always see when which content was changed or added.


The most important features at a glance:

  • Table of contents with various filter functions
  • Integrated version management for each decree
  • Automatic logging of changes via footnote
  • Automatic list of changes
  • Audit-proof, every change is logged
  • Each decree can be exported as a PDF
  • Links to external legislation possible
  • Chronological collection shows all amendments of a year
  • Intelligent full text search
  • Internal decrees


Administration of the legal collection is child's play. You only need to concentrate on the content of the documents. All other work, such as creating different versions or keeping a list of amendments, is done automatically for you.

This legal collection is the first to use our latest feature, which enables the user to initialize a collection of decrees independently within seconds using drag & drop. In the video on the side, we show you how it works.

iAny questions?