

In close cooperation with our long-standing partner Funke Output Management, the "Lettershop" product was integrated into ETH's internal web store for ETH Zurich's Central Services.

Thanks to this solution, the previous mass mailings could be replaced. These had proven to be very time-consuming, as they kept the ETHZ back office busy with the manual assembly of serial letters. Depending on the quality of the delivered templates, often several tedious iterations for the print proof had to be carried out under time pressure.

If an ETHZ department now orders an individualized mass shipment in the web store, it now receives an online print proof (PDF) and the shipment is assembled fully automatically. Since the customer can now immediately inspect the result of his shipment online, the resources of the ETHZ back office can be used much more effectively.

The actual printing as well as the dispatch of the letters including any optional enclosures is carried out by automatic commissioning through our partner Funke Output Management.

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