

At iDPARC, we rely primarily on remote work in our day-to-day work. Advantages such as less travel time, higher satisfaction and a better work-life balance are key factors for us.

Like every good concept, remote work also has disadvantages.
In particular, the team spirit and social contact with colleagues can get lost.

To counteract this, we organize our "Bern Days" at regular intervals. These days serve the exchange and networking among each other, but of course fun is not forgotten.

Program of 21st June 2023:

09:00-11:00  Getting to know each other (there are new colleagues)
11:00-12:00  Presentation of the new website by Thomas
12:00-14:00  Lunch from the Grill by Wenzel
14:00-17:00  Photo shooting for the new website
17:30  Transfer und sightseeing in Bern
19:00  Dinner at Kornhauskeller 






Program of 22nd June 2023:

09:00-11:30  Presentation and Discussion of selected topics
11:30-12:00  Transfer to Fribourg
12:00-14:00  Lunch at Restaurant, direkt at Swiss Viper Museum
14:00-17:00  Visit of Swiss Viper Museum





iAny questions?