Configuration of DocGenie in Word

Would you like to learn how easy it is to configure your own business cases on your own?

In this video, we will show you how easy and user-friendly the configuration of DocGenie is, based on a work contract as example.

You don't need any other applications, because all configurations are done entirely in Word. You can freely determine the content and have complete control over the formatting at all times.

In this video, we will show you how easy and user-friendly the configuration of DocGenie is, based on a work contract as example.

You don't need any other applications, because all configurations are done entirely in Word. You can freely determine the content and have complete control over the formatting at all times.

Table of content

00:00 Introduction to independent configuration of DocGenie
00:26 Configuration of the employment contract (output document)
00:40 Configuration of the questionnaire (input mask)
01:01 Import of the questionnaire into DocGenie
01:13 Import of output documents into DocGenie
01:27 Possibilities of language output in DocGenie


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