

DocGenie now allows specialists who work with ServiceNow to define reports themselves without having to call in developers.

Queries on tables and attachments in ServiceNow can now be easily configured and tested by a specialist in a Word document. Other specialists can now use this standardized configuration to create their case-related reports and have them stored in ServiceNow.



What is this used for today? A specific use case:

One of Cablex's fields of activity is connecting properties to Swisscom's broadband network. The data and images recorded during on-site inspections are stored in Cablex's ServiceNow Cloud.

Cablex was looking for a solution to create a compact report in PDF format from the extensive data stored in ServiceNow with just one click. With DocGenie, we were able to fulfill this requirement:

The Cablex employee only has to click on one of the two highlighted buttons in ServiceNow. They can choose whether to create an internal report (with all data) or an external report (with reduced data).



In the background, ServiceNow sends a JSON to DocGenie with the report ID and the request as to whether it should be an internal or external report.

DocGenie automatically downloads the required data and images from ServiceNow and creates the desired PDF report. The finished report is then transferred directly to ServiceNow and can be called up by the user in ServiceNow.



This is what the report created by DocGenie looks like, which is sent back to ServiceNow as a PDF file.



The configuration of DocGenie itself can, as always, be easily carried out by users themselves in the form of Word documents after a short introduction. To change the report or to create further reports, you do not need to commission anyone externally.

Further information on independent editing in Word can be found here.

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