
DocGenie for Cablex in the Swisscom Enterprise Service Cloud

Our DocGenie service, which automatically manages various project documents for Cablex (more details), has moved to the Swisscom Enterprise Service Cloud.

Thanks to the simple provisioning of DocGenie, it can be operated in a Managed Kubernetes environment without much effort. This is what happened for Cablex, which gets its Kubernetes environment from the Swisscom Enterprise Cloud.

Cablex employees and customers can now access DocGenie even faster and more conveniently. The convenience will be further increased in the near future by means of SSO (single sign-on). The SSO accesses Cablex's ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services) and ensures that a separate login to DocGenie is no longer necessary. Through the ADFS, the user's identity and roles are always verified and guaranteed.

Cablex specializes in the construction, maintenance and operation of high-performance ICT and network infrastructure solutions, as well as the planning and implementation of forward-looking smart infrastructure projects, and is one of the largest service providers in Switzerland.

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